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A song with the * after it is available as recorded by Roger Chartier on CD or as a download from the Sailor Songs CD and MP3 download store on this page you can click on the song to hear a sample from the two cd's available there recorded by me. There are a lot of other sea shanties by other artists available on the page as well.

On the Sea Shanty Store page you can click on the song to hear a sample.

These are a collection of songs that took a long time to accumulate from the far reaches of maritime history. This page lists a great deal of historically important lyrics and evidence of the way that sailors of old lived and worked.
Their thoughts about women, shipmates, jobs of work and a lot of other daily life routines are evidenced here.
The songs are an important part of our seafaring history.
Some of these lyrics pages have the chords.

There are somewhere in the vicinity of 243 Lyric pages here.
This is a good source for those of us who like to sing Sea Shanties.
People sometimes make a living singing sea shanties, and there are choral groups that do it as well.

The song that I have sung in the upper video on this page is not a sea shanty but I like it so here it is.