Proud Sally
courtesy of
A sailor from Dover from Dover he came
He courted lovely Sally and Sally was her name
But still she walked so lofty and her fortune was so high
That she on a sailor would scarce cast an eye
A few months being over and a few months being past
This fair she began to grow sick at the last
She grew sick at the last and she couldn't tell for why
And she sent for the sailor that she of-times did deny
Am I the doctor that you sent for me
Or am I the young man that you sent for me
Oh yes you're the doctor you can either kill or cure
The pain that I feel dear is hard to endure
Where does the pain lie does it lie in your head
Or where does the pain lie does it lie in your side
Oh indeed young man you're not far off the guess
The pain that I feel lies under my left breast
She took the gold rings off her fingers by one two or three Saying
Take you these dear Willie in remembrance of me
In remembrance of me my dear when I am dead and gone
And perhaps you'll be sorry then for what you have done
Oh Sally dearest Sally oh Sally dear said he
Don't you remember when you first slighted me
You mocked me with cruelty and slighted me with scorn
And now I'll reward you for what you have done.
Oh Willie dearest Willie forget and forgive
And grant me a little while longer to live
Oh no dearest Sally as long as I breathe
I'll dance on your tomb while you lie underneath
Now Sally's dead and got buried at last
And Willie's lamenting for all that is past
Saying Sally lovely Sally if you were yet alive
It's you I would wed and all others deprive
The author of this website has put a lot of time and effort into gathering the greatest collection of sea shanties for the world to enjoy - There are songs that have been to sung to a job of work at sea for many, many years and collecting them has been a great endeavour. - Roger Chartier has made the effort out of his own interest and the requests that he has gotten to do this work from fellow musicians who wanted a good source of sea shanties to draw on and learn from. He has been told that for this effort he is a remarkable man.