All For Me Grog
Hear a sample or buy the download or cd on the Sea Shanty Store page It is on Roger Chartier's "Sailor Songs" CD
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Oh it’s all for me grog me jolly, jolly , grog
It’s all for me rum and tobacco
I’ve a spent all me tin with the lassies drinking gin
Oh across the stormy ocean I must wan – der
Here is me coat me nobby knobby coat
Me coat’s seen a lot of rough weather
For the sides are wore out and the back is flying about
Oh the lining’s looking out for better wea – ther…CHORUS
Here are me britches me knobby knobby, britches
Britches a seen a lot of rough weather
Oh the pouch is near wore out and the seat’s all flying about
And the knees are looking out for better wea-ther …..CHORUS
Here is me shirt me nobby nobby shirt
Me shirt’s a seen a lot of rough weather
Oh the collar’s all worn out and the sleeves are flying about
And the tails looking out for better weather……CHORUS
And look at me boots me nobby nobby boots
Me boots seen a lot of rough weather
Oh the soles are wore out and the heels are flying about
And me toes are looking out for better wea-ther….CHORUS
Look at me hat me nobby nobby hat
Me hat’s seen a lot of rough weather
Oh the brim is wore out and the crown is flying about
And the lining’s looking out for better wea-ther …CHORUS
I’m sick Oh me head well I haven’t been to bed
Since first I came ashore from me slumber
I’ve spent all me dough on the lassies don’t you know
Far across the western ocean I must wan-der……CHORUS
The author of this website has put a lot of time and effort into gathering the greatest collection of sea shanties for the world to enjoy - There are songs that have been to sung to a job of work at sea for many, many years and collecting them has been a great endeavour. - Roger Chartier has made the effort out of his own interest and the requests that he has gotten to do this work from fellow musicians who wanted a good source of sea shanties to draw on and learn from. He has been told that for this effort he is a remarkable man.